We work with an extensive network of vetted logistics providers that operate all around the globe. Don’t waste time checking the prices with several courier companies.
Courier service isn't just about product delivery; it's about working with a freight provider who can help you achieve bottom line savings, whose capability will equip you with a point of difference in an ever-tightening market.
A common hidden cost amongst many freight providersc
We include limited liability coverage at no extra cost
Online parcel tracking and signature proof of delivery within minutes
The ability to leave a calling card and rearrange the delivery at no extra cost* if the recipient is not home and the flexibility for the sender to authorise delivery without a signature
At WayForce, our approach to courier services is unique. Our Courier Franchisees offer a cost effective, reliable, timetable courier service, backed up by the latest computer technology and online parcel track and trace facilities, making WayForce Transportation the ideal choice for small to medium sized businesses.